Apr 13, 2015
Originally hailing from Dallas, Austin Muhs is a seasoned Los Angeles entrepreneur. In his early days Austin wanted to learn as much as he could about working life, which resulted in his working of over 30 jobs and starting 6 businesses. (all started via bootstrapping) This unconventional vocational path gave Austin a unique perspective on startup life. Having started his first small business at 22, he knows what it takes to get passionate, take action, and fail forward. Having worked in the fields of digital marketing, social media marketing, and sales gave him a solid foundation from which to pursue larger, more unique endeavors. Austin prides himself on being able to help anyone find a passionate beginning to their quest for a true vocation, and more importantly, the quest for individualism. Lead Generation, client relations, and business model renovation are some of his main areas of expertise. Austin has also extensively studied occult marketing methods, and tapping into the benevolent power of symbolism to empower clients and customers alike. He now occupies his time doing spiritual counseling via astrology and numerology, while also writing and consulting for other LA and Texas based startup. Austin is currently involved with a number of retail and tech upstarts in an advisory capacity.
Connect with Austin
Twitter - https://twitter.com/AustinMuhs
Twitter - https://twitter.com/crowdfundmylife
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/bornfree1
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/AstrologyByAustin
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/startupfever
Google+ - https://plus.google.com/112878321829218537252/posts
Crowd Fund for Life - crowdfundforlife.com
Astrology by Austin - astrologybyaustin.com
Email - neonskyrecords@gmail.com
People Mentioned
Frank Zappa - @Zappa
Kickstarter – kickstarter.com
Drip.in - drip.in
Buffer - buffer.com
The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
Start Up Fever: How Crowdfunding Will Rebuild the American Dream by Austin Lane Muhs http://goo.gl/PWxZAj