Jun 22, 2021
Think for a moment about what happens when you hear “I want to
buy, but I just need to think it over/talk to someone/find the
money...“: the prospect is giving you some kind of condition you
need to accommodate in order for them to move forward.
Since you want to close them, you accommodate the condition to buy
- maybe they need a discount, or need time to think it over. But
what really happens next?
Doubts, fears, and other people’s opinions flood in. On both
And this is always bad news.
Because once a prospect gets off the phone with you, your chances
of closing that sale are going down by the minute. Their risk
avoidance mechanism in their brain starts showing them all the
reasons why they can’t move forward with you. Other people’s
opinions will pitch in too (more about this later).
But there’s one skill that determines 80% of your success. Is your
rapport real or superficial?
Often misunderstood, rapport is not built the way you think.
Rapport, or lack thereof, is the reason for 80% of stalls,
objections, and ghosts-after-the-fact.
Rapport is often built all the way through the call, and then
destroyed in the last couple of minutes by either being too
aggressive and pushy... or by being a doormat.
If you could learn how to effortlessly move calls to a close
without breaking rapport, you would have a major opportunity to
build a lasting coaching practice that changes lives - yours